I Am Living

Who are we?

The I Am Living public awareness initiative and campaign and IAmLiving.org.au website are brought to the Australian community by Calvary Health Care, Catholic Cemeteries + Crematoria and Mercy Health, with the valued and ongoing support of other organisations and many individuals.

The campaign’s purpose is to expand understanding, and address community anxiety and some of the fears around the deterioration of health, dying, death, loss and grief. The campaign objectives are:

  • To promote and encourage positive conversations and planning about end-of-life care, dying, death, loss and grief;
  • To provide credible information about quality end of life care based on assessed need;
  • To learn from people who have found life, hope and healing as they approach the end-of-life; and
  • To communicate that each and every person matters to the last moment of their life.

Thanks to the courage, honesty and generosity of eleven persons with advanced life-limiting disease, the significant people in their lives and caregivers, the campaign shares with you eleven highly intimate, authentic and educative encounters. Our participants elected to live an empowered and dignified life, as defined by themselves. We extend our warmest gratitude to the eleven I Am Living participants who, no doubt, will continue to touch the hearts and lives of many through sharing their lived experiences.

Member organisations

Own Resources

To view all additional resources please click here.

Get involved

Contribute your Story to the Campaign

The campaign partners, namely, Calvary Health Care, CMCT and Mercy Health, are seeking the partnership of persons touched by serious and advanced illness, who are interested in learning more about sharing their experience.

To find additional information on this opportunity please refer to “Sharing the last period of life with those you love.

To arrange a confidential discussion, please contact the Campaign Manager here Campaign.Manager@IAmLiving.org.au.

Join the Campaign as a Partner

The campaign partners, namely, Calvary Health Care, Catholic Cemeteries + Crematoria and Mercy Health, are seeking the partnership of other like-minded health and aged care organisations, peak bodies, government agencies and other secular or religious (i.e. any faith) organisations that see the need to expand upon the Australian public’s understanding of end-of-life and palliative care.

To arrange a confidential discussion, please contact the Campaign Manager here Campaign.Manager@IAmLiving.org.au.

Make a Financial Contribution to the Campaign

The I Am Living public awareness campaign, including the IAMLiving.org.au website, is delivered to the Australian community by Calvary Health Care, Catholic Cemeteries + Crematoria, and Mercy Health. The campaign partners welcome the on-going support of the community, including financial contributions.

Every single donation to the campaign will be fully utilised to fund those elements of the campaign which focus on supporting Australians to live fully when facing a life-limiting illness, dying, death, loss, grief and bereavement.

Some information to assist you in making your donation follows:

  • all donations over $2.00 are tax deductible, a receipt will be provided;
  • you can specify exactly where you wish your donation to go within the I Am Living campaign;
  • you can complete the online donation form or download it and send it to the I Am Living campaign manager at info@IAmLiving.org.au;
  • the final responsibility for the campaign rests with Calvary Health Care Sydney Limited.

Gifts and bequests

Our supporters may elect to offer a gift or bequest to us in their will. Areas of benefit include:

  • You will be supporting others to navigate the often unfamiliar territory of palliative and end of life care, dying, death, loss and grief.
  • This will result in people feeling better informed, more confident to be with those who are ill, dying or grieving, and they may also notice changes in their own attitudes and behaviours.
  • You will be supporting a not-for-profit initiative which will encourage people to hold honest conversations and plan for end of life care in a timely fashion.
  • You will be supporting people to live their best possible life when at their most vulnerable, because they have received the assistance and encouragement they need to make decisions and act.
  • You will be supporting the development and sharing of evidence-based information on palliative and end-of-life care, dying, death and loss, which people from all over the world need.
  • You will be contributing to an improved, calmer and richer dying experience for all touched by the campaign.
  • You will be supporting the promotion of positive community attitudes towards end of life education.
  • You will be supporting people touched by terminal illness to live, die and grieve well.

Your contribution can be a fixed amount or a percentage of your Estate.

You can nominate to assist in the general delivery of the I Am Living public awareness campaign and its services or your bequest can be directed towards a specific element of the campaign.

To arrange a confidential discussion, please contact the Campaign Manager here Campaign.Manager@IAmLiving.org.au.