I Am Living

I am Susan Lang.
I am fantastic.
I am brave.
I am impossible.

Susan Lang tells her story about dealing with an aggressive terminal illness.

She talks openly and bravely about what it feels like to live with pain, what she loved about her life, and the preparations she’s made for her funeral.

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“What happened was that, about three months ago, I started to have a few changes which were hard to explain. I went to my doctor and he thought I had anxiety. So, I insisted I had an MRI. It was a shock, because it was three months. I went from being active, healthy, to this. That quick!”

— Susan Lang

“I am doing this so people can get some understanding of how things can feel.”

— Susan Lang

“I’ve written all my funeral. Written all my things. Written songs. Written things for my grandchildren to say. Because I don’t want to continue living like this.”

— Susan Lang

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